Newsletter: Ending Carrier Harassment

Newsletter: Ending Carrier Harassment

Long Term Disability

Are you tired of getting calls from the long term disability carrier asking you all sorts of questions about your medical care, what you do around the house, when you think you’ll be able to work? Have the neighbors told you that an investigator has come around asking questions or have you seen strange vehicle in the neighborhood following you?

It’s time that you understand your rights! With one call to Cavey and Barrett you can schedule an appointment and set you self free of threatening letters to you, free of threatening, harassing letters to your doctors, free of fear of not getting the long term disability benefits you deserve.

At Cavey and Barrett we can end the calls and letters immediately, we will work with you, your doctor and your long term disability carrier so that you can be assured the your long term disability carrier gets the right medical and vocational evidence so that they may pay you the long term disability benefits that you are due.

Long term disability carriers play on your nerves to keep you from looking for help.

Cavey and Barrett will fight for your rights, just call us at 727-477-3263 to set up a free appointment. We have convenient hours, parking and the appointment are free.

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