Long Term Disability Features for Medical Professionals and Attorneys | Know Your Benefits

Long Term Disability Features for Medical Professionals and Attorneys | Know Your Benefits

Long Term Disability

As a highly paid specialized medical or legal professional you need to adequately protect your income in the case of disability.

There are several features that you should consider in purchasing a Long Term Disability Policy. Any policy should have the following features:

1. Recognizing the specialty or sub speciality that you practice

2. Protect your disability benefit if you experience a reduction in earnings over time due to progressive illnesses

3. Protect you if you’ve contracted an infectious or contangious disease which is not disabling but results in a loss of income

4. Provides continued benefits for a number of months after a return to work

5. Provides for cost of living adjustments

If policy does not contain anything from the list above, you need the help of a experienced medical and legal professional long term disability lawyer to show you what you need to do.

Professionals need guidence too!

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