Kentucky’s New Cell Phone Law Supported by Kentucky Personal Injury Attorney Michael A. Schafer

Kentucky’s New Cell Phone Law Supported by Kentucky Personal Injury Attorney Michael A. Schafer


Many Floridians travel during the summer months to the cooler climate of Kentucky. My freind and fellow attorney, Michael A. Schafer has written an impassioned plea to the Kentucky legislature to ban the use of cellphones without using a headset or earpiece. Attorney Michael A. Schafer is a Kentucky personal injury lawyer who has seen the tragic results of using a phone while driving.

I support such legislation and I personally wear a telelphone headset while I am driving.

It amazes me to see people driving, talking on the phone, and waiving their hands through the conversation. Talk about divided attention!

Kentucky personal injury Attroney Mike Schafer has seen too many accidents in Kentucky caused by careless drivers chattering away like magpies. Do you and your family a favor by buying and using a headset in your car if you are going to be talking on your phone.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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