It’s new and improved. The Social Security home page | Clearwater Social Security Disability Attorney

It’s new and improved. The Social Security home page | Clearwater Social Security Disability Attorney

Social Security Disability (SSD)

The Social Security Administration launched a new and improved homepage. The new look is more user-friendly. The page is open and clean. It follows the standard industry design by reducing clutter, improving navigation, and better utilizing graphics.

The new page has prioritized and featured the primary reasons why people contact Social Security. Those reasons have been placed in three locations on the new site. (1) Filing for retirement benefits, (2) Applying for disability benefits, and (3) Requesting a Social Security card or have prime real estate on the new and improved website.

If you take a look at the top portion of the new Social Security homepage you can find major program topics: Retirements, survivor benefits, disability benefits, supplemental security benefits, and Medicare.

The homepage also features an updated Frequently Ask Questions section and clickable links to other Social Security related websites.
Please be sure to check out the new and improved Social Security Administration homepage at

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-894-3188.

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