Is Your Social Security Disability Claim Vulnerable Because Your Social Security Disability Attorney Doesn’t Know the Ten Things that Should Be Done in Every Social Security Disability Claim?

Is Your Social Security Disability Claim Vulnerable Because Your Social Security Disability Attorney Doesn’t Know the Ten Things that Should Be Done in Every Social Security Disability Claim?

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Social Security Disability law is complicated and time consuming. However, an experienced Social Security Disability attorney, such as former Social Security Disability staff attorney, Sharon Barrett, knows that there are ten things that should be done in every Social Security Disability claim:

  1. Meet with you personally to discuss your Social Security Disability claim.
  2. Explain the Social Security Disability claim’s process and explain the strategy which will be implemented to win your claim.
  3. Get a copy of your Social Security file from the Social Security Administration.
  4. Get a copy of your medical records.
  5. Assess your claim and determine whether or not it will meet Social Security Disability rules.
  6. File all necessary papers with the Social Security Administration.
  7. Timely appeal any denial of your claim.
  8. Timely request a hearing if your claim is denied after a Request for Reconsideration.
  9. Prepare a comprehensive Memorandum of Law with medical documentation supporting your claim for Social Security Disability benefits.

10.  Prepare you for a hearing in front of the Administrative Law Judge and make sure that your case is presented in the best light possible.

If your lawyer doesn’t understand the Social Security Disability claims process, or hasn’t taken these steps in handling your Social Security Disability claim, you may not have the right attorney to represent you in your Social Security Disability claim.

Experience does make a difference.

Sharon Barrett, former Social Security Disability staff attorney in the Tampa Bay office knows what it takes to create a winning Social Security Disability claim. If you have a Social Security Disability claim, give us a call today to help you answer any questions you may have. 727-477-3263.

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