Is there any benefit to me to have a long term disability/ERISA attorney represent me in my long term disability/ERISA claim?

Is there any benefit to me to have a long term disability/ERISA attorney represent me in my long term disability/ERISA claim?


Is there any benefit to me to have a long term disability/ERISA attorney represent me in my long term disability/ERISA claim?

There are lots of reasons you should have Cavey and Barrett represent you in your long term disability/ERISA claim.

We help you even before you file for disability by gathering your medical records, making sure your doctor supports your claim, help you filel out Activitiies of Daily Living Forms, and help your doctor fill out your disability forms correctly.

Nancy Cavey will help take the burden of dealing with the disability carrier from you and let you get on with your recovery. Nancy, a Tampa Bay based disability attorneywill help you fill out your longterm disability claim application and forms, help you with any appeals and make sure all the evidence is developed and sent to the long term disability carrier.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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