Insurer’s Wrongfully Deny Claims | No Legitimate Reason For Denial | Florida Disability Insurance Lawyer

Insurer’s Wrongfully Deny Claims | No Legitimate Reason For Denial | Florida Disability Insurance Lawyer

Long Term Disability

In the L.A. Daily Journal, Evan George takes a look at California’s disability insurance and finds that insurers wrongfully deny claims, despite findings by treating doctors and the federal goverment that they are too sick or hurt to hold a job.

The first in a two part series, the story shows that insurers create incentives for employees to turn down claims. Once denied, workers must navigate a complicated bureaucracy that takes years.

Of the cases that reach trial, judges found in nearly half the cases that the insurance companies had no legitimate reason to deny the claims. But because the injured workers can’t sue for damages, there is no peril for the insurance companeis to repeatedly deny costly claims.

If you need a qualified disability insurance lawyer in Florida, please contact us at the Law Office of Cavey & Barrett for all your disability needs.

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