If You Suffer From Chronic Sleep Disorder You Might Be Entitled to Long Term Disability Benefits

If You Suffer From Chronic Sleep Disorder You Might Be Entitled to Long Term Disability Benefits

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If you are covered by a long term disability policy and are having chronic sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, or other sleeping disorders, you may be entitled to long term disability benefits. In the case of Eaton vs. Metropolitan Life, 661 fsupp 2nd 1240 (2009 US District Lexus 88965), Mr. Eaton was advised by his physician because he could no longer work because of a chronic sleep disorder. His long term disability benefit was initially approved but Metropolitan Life put surveillance on Mr. Eaton. He was filmed driving or engaging in other activities of living. As a result, Metropolitan denied Mr. Eaton’s continued entitlement to disability benefits.

He appealed and a federal court ordered metropolitan life to pay benefits noting that the despite the video, Mr. Eaton’s physician supported his claim for disability, objective medical testing supporting his disability and even five peer review reports from Metropolitan Life supported the disability.

If you have sleep apnea or any other sleeping disorder and your long term disability claim has been denied, contact sleep disorder denied disability attorney Nancy Cavey. 727-477-3263 today.

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