If You Don’t Have Enough Medical Evidence to Support Your Social Security Disability Claim, Don’t be Surprised if you are Scheduled for a Social Security Disability Medical Exam

If You Don’t Have Enough Medical Evidence to Support Your Social Security Disability Claim, Don’t be Surprised if you are Scheduled for a Social Security Disability Medical Exam

Social Security Disability (SSD)

If you have applied for Social Security Disability benefits but haven’t seen a doctor within sixty days of your application, the Social Security Disability examiner may schedule you for what is called a Social Security

Disability or Social Security consultative examination.

You need to attend the examination and fully corporate with the examiner. Many times, unfortunately, Social Security Disability examiners can be rude and even shoot down your Social Security Disability claim if they feel you are being dishonest.

When you receive a letter from the Social Security Administration scheduling you for a consultative exam, return the acknowledgement form and indicate that you will be attending the appointment unless there is a conflict. You should arrive on time and be prepared to give an accurate history about the physical problems you are having and how they impact your ability to sit, stand, stoop, bend and walk.

If possible, bring someone with you to the consultative exam and have them right a narrative about what took place at the consultative exam.

Don’t let your Social Security Disability claim be destroyed as a result of a negative Social Security Disability medical exam. For more information on your rights to Social Security Disability benefits and what happens during a Social Security Disability medical exam contact Clearwater Social Security Disability attorney, Sharon Barrett.

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