If You Are a Floridian who suffers from diabetes, You might be Entitled to Long Term Disability Benefits

If You Are a Floridian who suffers from diabetes, You might be Entitled to Long Term Disability Benefits

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According to report from US News, the southeastern United States has the highest rate of diabetes. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), parts of Florida have a high incidence of diabetes.

Unfortunately, if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you may also suffer from complications such as tingling or numbness of your toes or hands or the loss of sensation in your extremities. You might have diabetic neuropathy or your diabetes may have impacted other organs.

Diabetes and it’s complications may have led your doctor to tell you that you are no longer able to work.

If you have purchased an individual or ERISA long term disability policy and your doctor has told you that you are unable to work, you should apply for your long term disability benefits. If your benefits are delayed or denied, diabetes disability attorney Nancy Cavey can help you cut through carrier delay and help you get the benefits that you deserve. It doesn’t matter what part of the state of Florida that you live in, contact disability attorney Nancy Cavey to learn more about your rights to your disability benefits.


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