If my Long Term Disability claim is approved how much will I receive?

If my Long Term Disability claim is approved how much will I receive?


If my Long Term Disability claim is approved how much will I receive?

You have to read your policy because that will tell you the percentage of the salary that you will receive. The fine print in the policy will tell you how your benefits are calculated and will probably have an offset provision that will reduce our benefits by the receipt of any other benefits paid to you. This can include Social Security benefits paid not only to you but to your dependents. It can include other government disability benefits such as Railroad Workers’ benefits and even Workers’ Compensation benefits. Before you apply for disability benefits you should read the fine print in your policy to understand the amount of benefits you will receive if approved.

Let us at Cavey and Barrett send you a free no obligation book “Robbed of Your Peace of Mind”. We have compiled important information on Long Term Disability insurance policies, the Claims Process, and How to win your Long Term Disability Benefits.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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