I paid my premium for long term disability benefits all these years. Now that I need those benefits, will the long term disability carrier pay my long term disability/ERSIA benefits?

I paid my premium for long term disability benefits all these years. Now that I need those benefits, will the long term disability carrier pay my long term disability/ERSIA benefits?


I paid my premium for long term disability benefits all these years. Now that I need those benefits, will the long term disability carrier pay my long term disability/ERSIA benefits?


There are good and bad long term disability carriers. Any long term disability insurance or ERISA carrier will require you to show evidence that you have a medical condition covered by the policy and overwhelming evidence you are disabled and evidence that shows there is a connections between what is wrong with you and your inability to work.

Just because your doctor says you can’t work, DOES NOT mean the long term disability carrier will agree and pay the ERISA/long term disabiliy benefits you deserve.

The claims process is complex and is designed to find reasons to deny your claim. The long term disability carrier is not really in the business of paying claims… they are in the business of collecting premium dollars they invest to make lots of money.

There are many mistakes you can make in the long term disability claims process as I describe in my book, “Robbed on Your Peace of Mind” which I recommend you get BEFORE you file your claim for  long term disability benefits.

Cavey and Barrett will help you through the ERISA/ long term disability claims process to help you win your claim. We represent individual  and ERISA disability policy holders through out the United Sates. Call us for a FREE evaluation of your long term disability claim ast 727-477-3263.

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