I have filed my application for long terrm disability benefits. How long will the long term disability insurance company take to tell me if they are going to pay my long term disability insurance benefits?

I have filed my application for long terrm disability benefits. How long will the long term disability insurance company take to tell me if they are going to pay my long term disability insurance benefits?


I have filed my application for long terrm disability benefits. How long will the long term disability insurance company take to tell me if they are going to pay my long term disability insurance benefits?

The rule of thumb is 3 months! The long term disability carrier will get your medical records, contact your employer and do an investiagtion to determine if you meet the long term disability insurance policy requirements.

If you have a medicall complex claim or your medical records don’t support your claim, the long term disability insurance company may contact your doctor. That is not a good thing!

If you don’t have an answer in 3 months, contact your state’s Department of Insurance.

Better yet, we at Cavey and Barrett can answer any questions you have about the long term disability insurance claims process, including how to fill out your initial claim for long term disability benefits.

Cavey and Barrett, Florida long term disabilty lawyers, feel that the more informed you are aboutthe disability insurance claims process, the better your chances of are being paid long term disability benefits.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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