Horror at Your Door – A Field Visit and Statement by LTD ERISA Investigator

Horror at Your Door – A Field Visit and Statement by LTD ERISA Investigator


Knock! Kniock! Freddy is at your dooor! If the a long-term disability or ERISA carrier calls and asked to take your statement or arrange a field visit you are in trouble! Call Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability/ERISA disability Attorney,  before you make mistakes in your statement or field visit by the long term disability/ERISA investigator.

Long term disability and ERISA disability claims are denied for three reasons:

1. No objective evidence of diagnosis;

2. No objective evidence of disability;

3. No evidence of causal relationship between the disability and the inability to engage in your own occupation or any occupation.

The long-term disability or ERISA carrier wants to take your statement or arrange, a field visit because they question what your doctor says about your restrictions and limitations,what you are reporting on your Activities of Daily Living forms, and your inability to engage in your own occupation or any occupation.

By the time the long-term disability or ERISA carrier calls and asks if Freddy can come to your door, they probably have pictures of you. They want to interview you and have you describe your activities. Once you’ve done so, they’ll have you sign a statement about your activities. As soon as you sign the statement, they spring surveillance on you and ask you to comment on the surveillance. Freddy wants to you to acknowledge the difference between the statement you just gave and  what is shown on the film.

The long-term disability/ERISA carrier will then take that information to your treating physicians and ask them to sign off on a letter that says you’re capable of of least sedentary work.

They have sprung a Freddy on you for the purposes of painting you a malingerer or fraud with the sole purpose of terminating your benefits.

If the carrier wants to have a field visit or statement you need to immediately retain an experienced long-term disability/ERISA attorney, like Nancy Cavey. While Nancy is based in St. Petersburg, she helps clients all over the United States.

You need to be ready for Freddy! You need to have someone with you to make sure that the questions, you are asked are not open-ended questions. You need to have someone with you to make sure that your answers are accurate. You need protection from Freddy!

I never let a statement or feel visit be done at my client’s home. I often see statement summaries with questions and comments about how your yard and house look. You will be, innocently, asked about how you keep up with your house or yard work. They would use that information to draw conclusions about your inability to work.

Be prepared and avoid making mistakes that can jeopardize or even destroy your long term disability/ERISA claim.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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