Help! The Long Term Disability/ERISA carrier has called and wants to come to my house! What should I do?

Help! The Long Term Disability/ERISA carrier has called and wants to come to my house! What should I do?


Help! The Long Term Disability/ERISA carrier has called and wants to come to my house! What should I do?

Nancy Cavey, a Florida based disability attorney, has a blog just on long term disability and ERISA issues where you will find a free guide about how to prepare for your home visit. Start reading!

I suggest you read this posting and the other 26 postings about the questions you will be asked at this visit. Next, I suggest you call me as you don’t want to have a home visit without being prepared and having representation.

This is not a social visit,  but more likely, a trap.

At Cavey and Barrett we believe you should be fully informed about the long term disability/ERISA claims process and home visits by the long term disability/ERISA carrier. Give us a call at 727-477-3263.

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