Has Your Long Term Disability Carrier Asked to Undergo a Functional Capacity Evaluation?

Has Your Long Term Disability Carrier Asked to Undergo a Functional Capacity Evaluation?


If you are a Long Term Disability applicant and your Long Term Disability carrier has asked for you to undergo a functional capacity evaluation you are being set up! It is not uncommon for Long Term Disability carriers to use Functional Capacity Evaluations to challenge your doctor’s opinions or your statements about your ability to function.

While most Long Term Disability carriers have the right to such an evaluation, you should know that Long Term Disability carriers, such as CIGNA will routinely send instructions to the FCE provider about how to fill in the forms, how to interpret the data and even to conclude that if you can sit for 45 minutes, they should mark “continuously,” on their forms.

Why is that important? Most Long Term Disability carriers will only pay benefits if you are unable to do less than a sedentary job. If you can sit for 45 minutes you are able to do a sedentary job.

Long Term Disability carriers, such as CIGNA, are dictating the results of the Functional Capacity Evaluation before you even have that examination so that they can deny your Long Term Disability benefits.

If you are being scheduled for a Functional Capacity Evaluation or your benefits have been terminated based on a Functional Capacity Evaluation contact wrongfully denied Long Term Disability attorney Nancy Cavey who will help get to the bottom of this bogus termination.

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