Functional Capacity Evaluation and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Long Term Disability Recipients

Functional Capacity Evaluation and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Long Term Disability Recipients


If you are a suffer of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia and have been scheduled for a Functional Capacity Evaluation, beware! You are being set up for a claims termination.

Long Term Disability carriers hate Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia claims because they feel that these are conditions based on “subjective complaints.” It is not uncommon in these cases for the Long Term Disability carrier to routinely have you fill out Activities of Daily Living Forms, look at what your physicians say about your Activities of Daily Living and use extensive surveillance to try and catch you doing something that is inconsistent with what you reported that you are able to do. To “nail now” their claims denial they will also schedule a Functional Capacity Evaluation. If you are a Long Term Disability recipient who suffers from Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia and are scheduled for a Functional Capacity Evaluation you should immediately consult with disability denied attorney Nancy Cavey.

Why? It is not uncommon for Long Term Disability carriers to send instructions to the functional capacity evaluator telling them how to fill out the forms, how to interpret the data and even to misinterpret the data so that it’s reported that you are capable of engaging in at least sedentary work.

Nancy Cavey, Long Term Disability denied attorney will routinely video tape Functional Capacity Evaluations and demand a copy of the instructions and draft reports to make sure that your Functional Capacity Evaluation is in fact a fair and unbiased evaluation.

Nancy Cavey has written the free consumer guide, Mistakes That You Can Make In Giving Your Statement To The Long Term Disability Carrier, which as you know is the first step in your potential claim’s denial. For a free copy click here.

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