Four Tips To Win Your Social Security Disability Claim | Tampa Bay Social Security Attorneys at The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey | Social Security Disability Claims | SSD Lawyers

Four Tips To Win Your Social Security Disability Claim | Tampa Bay Social Security Attorneys at The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey | Social Security Disability Claims | SSD Lawyers


At The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey, your Tampa Bay Social Security Disability Law Firm, we know that applying for Social Security Disability can be confusing and time consuming. There is alot of paperwork, calls and delay. Nancy Cavey, an attorney who represents people in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area in their Social Security claims, has Four tips that will help you win your Social Security Disability claim:

Tip #1:  Never give up and appeal every denial. 60% of the initial applications are denied. The next step is to file a Request for Reconsideration and, unfortunately about 60% of the Request for Reconsideration are denied. The next step is to file a Request for a Hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge. We know that receiving multiple denials can be discouraging and that the wait can be years. Appeal every denial within sixty days of the receipt of the denial. Never giving up pays off in the Social Security world.

Tip #2: Giving complete and accurate answers to Social Security Questions. The Social Security Administration is going to ask for your work history for the last 15 years before you became disability. Be as specific as you can regarding the periods of employment, the nature of your job duties, and any supervisor responsibility. You are also going to be asked questions about your medical history. Get doctors phone numbers and address. The Social Security Administration will write for your medical records and providing that information can speed up the process.

Tip #3: Developing the medical evidence to support your claim for disability. It is crucial that you have medical evidence in your file that establishes your physical and/or psychiatric restrictions and limitations. It is important that you see your doctor as frequently as possible and if can’t afford to see a doctor, check with your local community organizations to see if there are any programs that can assist you. It is crucial that your medical evidence come from doctors who have seen you on a regular basis.

Tip #4: Be prepared for your hearing. If you choose to represent yourself at a hearing, be prepared! Make sure that all of the medical evidence that supports your claim is in your social security file. Ask for a copy of your file at least six to eight weeks before your hearing and review what’s in the file. If you do not see all of your doctors current medical records make sure that you get those medical records. Also be prepared to answer that the Administrative Law Judge will ask you about your physical abilities and why you can’t work. We at The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey, suggest that you be represented by an experienced Social Security Disability attorney, such as Nancy Cavey

If you have any questions about the Social Security Disability claim’s process or have been denied Social Security benefits, contact The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey for a free, no obligation, consultation.

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