Florida’s Budget Crisis May Produce Care for the Disabled

Florida’s Budget Crisis May Produce Care for the Disabled

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Almost weekly the St. Petersburg Times features an article about Florida’s budget shortfall. It is anticipated that the Florida state budget will have a significant shortfall — the number changes weekly. The Florida Legislature and Governor Charlie Crist are deciding whether or not to have a special session to address Florida’s budgetary woes.

Budget cuts have are begun to reduce medical care services for disabled Floridians. And, unfortunately, the situation will only get worse. Senate leaders have proposed taking millions from the Florida Medically Needy Program, which serves 20,000 of Florida’s most critically ill, and cutting a Medicaid program that serves 24,000 disabled and elderly Floridians.

Governor Crist has used money from various state funds, including monies from the tobacco settlement, in an effort to alleviate our budgetary shortfalls and fund services for the disabled. Those monies  only go so far, and it appears as if services for disabled Floridians will be further reduced.

We can reasonably anticipate a special session if our budgetary problems persist and if Governor Chris believes that he has an agreement with the House and Senate only solution to Florida’s budget shortfall.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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