Florida Overtime Wage Law Violations and Unpaid Breaks | Hudson Wage and Hour Lawyer

Florida Overtime Wage Law Violations and Unpaid Breaks | Hudson Wage and Hour Lawyer


One of the common Florida overtime wage law violations happens when you are not paid for breaks that are more than 5 minutes but less than 20 minutes or when you work through your lunch period. If you are eating your tuna sandwich and answering phones or typing during lunch hour you must be paid for that time.

If your Floirda employer has violated Florida overtime wage law by refusing to pay you for breaks or working lunches, contact your Florida wage and hour rights law firm, Cavey and Barrett, for a wage rights audit.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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