Five Things Every Long Term Disability Policy Holder Should Know About Submitting a Notice of Claim

Five Things Every Long Term Disability Policy Holder Should Know About Submitting a Notice of Claim

Long Term Disability

Long term disability carriers don’t make it easy for policyholders to get the disability benefits they deserve. Unfortunately, you can make crucial mistakes from the very beginning of your claim including how and when you submit a notice of claim.

Before you “give notice” to the disability insurance company, you should do the following:

(1) first, determine whether you have a claim,

(2) whether your medical records support your claim, and

(3) pick the right day to stop working.

Only when you have done those things should you, or better yet, your attorney send the disability carrier

(4)  your notice that you will be filing a disability claim, and ask the disability carrier to send you the applicable forms.

That’s all you need to do to make a notice of claim. We strongly suggest that you don’t get on the phone with the disability carrier because they’ll use it as an opportunity to take a statement. You should only give a statement in writing under the supervision of your attorney and you should never give an oral statement without preparation and the attendance of a disability attorney.

Writing a detailed letter the 5th thing can also destroy your disability claim because you may “give away” the farm in the letter by discussing activities that you can and cannot do and give the disability carrier a reason to put surveillance on you.

If you do communicate in writing with your insurance company you should keep a copy of this correspondence. If you do have a phone call with the insurance company adjuster make sure you follow up with a letter re-capping the telephone conversation. You can be assured that the adjuster is doing the same thing and it isn’t always an accurate summary of the discussion. It’s not uncommon for disability adjusters to cherry pick telephone calls with disability applicants or claimants and uses that as a pretext for claims denials or surveillance.

What You Need To Do Before You Stop Working And File Notice Of Your Disability Claim

Don’t destroy your claim out of the box when you submit a notice of claim. Contact Union Central disability claims lawyer Nancy Cavey who can help you get the disability benefits you deserve regardless of where you live in the United States.  Call 727-477-3263 for your complimentary free consultation.

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