Final Offer

Final Offer


At Cavey and Barrett we are here to help you and serve good people that find themselves in tough circumstances. We thank you for inquiring about the long term disability law and the games that long term disability carriers have played to rob you of your financial peace of mind. All of us have found ourselves in trouble and in need of help at sometime over our lives. Reaching out to an experienced disability attorney is the quickest way to solve your problems.

How have the last sixty day been? Has a long term disability carrier continued to call you and harass you, and have they called your doctor and bothered him about filing forms or answering questions? Has an investigator come to your door to take your statement or has the carrier scheduled you for an “independent” medical evaluation. Have you noticed that waiting hasn’t solved your problems and you are still waiting for your first disability check?

The most important thing to know is you could’ve gotten help if you had just called us when we had sent you the books and information form.

The most important time in a long disability case is the appeal process. If your claim has been denied, you have 180 days to perfect an appeal. If you don’t you may very well lose your valuable disability rights. Why wait? Call and find out if you need assistance in your long term disability claims application or appeal process. You look to yourself and your loved ones to make sure that you get the disability benefits you deserve.

Appointments are conveniently free. Call now for help at 727-477-3263.

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