Filing Your Application for Social Security Disability Benefits

Filing Your Application for Social Security Disability Benefits

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You are going to have to provide a lot of information to the Social Security Administration when you file for Social Security Disability benefits. The Social Security Administration is going to ask you the name of every doctor, hospital, clinic you’ve been treated at, together with the dates of the treatment.

You’ll be asked to give your work history for the last 15 years before you became disabled.

This medical and employment history is crucial to provide when you apply for Social Security Disability benefits. Information regarding your medical history and your employment history will allow a disability examiner to determine whether or not you meet the five-step sequential evaluation discussed in earlier blog posts.

The disability examiner or judge will be reviewing your medical history to determine your physical and mental exertional limits and the skills that were required in the jobs that you performed in the past. This information will be used to determine whether or not your physical or mental condition meets a listing at hurdle 3 of the sequential evaluation process.

The information that you provide about your work history will help the disability examiner or judge determine whether or not you can return to the lightest job you held in the last 15 years and, if not, whether you are capable of work at a job in the national economy in view of your age, education and skills that you learned at your former employment.

It is crucial that you give correct and accurate information in your application for Social Security Disability benefits. Nancy Cavey experienced Social Security Disability attorneys in the Tampa Bay area, can assist you in completing your initial Social Security Disability application.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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