What Every Social Security Applicant Needs To Know About The Signs And Symptoms Of Lupus

What Every Social Security Applicant Needs To Know About The Signs And Symptoms Of Lupus

Social Security Disability (SSD)

If your physician has told you that you are unable to work as a result of Lupus, you should apply for Social Security Disability benefits. Your medical records are the key to winning your Lupus Social Security Disability claim.

What Your Medical Records Should Document About Your Lupus

Your records should document the following symptoms and how these symptoms impact your ability to function:

  • Low-grade fevers which are not attributed to other illnesses,
  • Rashes or lesions particularly before a flare up,
  • Oral ulcers,
  • Enlarged lymph nodes,
  • Chest or muscle pain,
  • Kidney problems,
  • Pulmonary problems,
  • Swollen joints,
  • Gastrointestinal issues,
  • Thyroid issues and
  • Fatigue.

Documenting Your Fatigue With Lupus

Fatigue is the most common symptom of Lupus. It’s crucial that you document your episodes of fatigue, how the fatigue impacts your ability to function, how much sleep you require, the frequency of any naps you take and how your fatigue impacts your ability to start and complete things at home.

Documenting your lupus signs and symptoms are the keys to getting the Social Security Disability benefits you deserve. To learn more about your rights to Social Security Disability benefits or appeal a wrongful denial of your claim, contact Lupus Social Security Disability attorney Nancy Cavey who can help you get the disability benefits you deserve.

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