Employers Hand Over Their Legal Responsibilities to Disabled Employees

Employers Hand Over Their Legal Responsibilities to Disabled Employees

Workers Compensation

Unfortunately, an overwhelming majority of employers look for somebody or some organization to hand over their legal responsibilities too. Instead of taking responsibility for managing their lost time cases, return to work issues or employees on short term disability, many employers find groups like  “Custom Disability Solutions” and “The Regroup” who offer services to make it easy for employers to evade their responsibility.

Leed Management Administration Services, in my opinion, work with human resources departments by providing alleged guidelines and analytics to help employers manage their short and long-term disability need claims.

Organizations like The Regroup have developed pinnacle models that attempt to predict return to work periods for medical conditions. Interestingly enough, these guidelines often conflict with return to work criteria and factors recognized by organizations such as the American Academy of Orthopedics.

In trusting return to work and short term/long term disability management, quite frankly, does not make, in my view, good business sense. Employers should learn to administer leave on a consistent and focused manner and make sure that they thoroughly understand the Family Medical Leave Act: The Integration of Family Medical Leave which works with Long Term Disability carriers coverage so that they can partner with their employees in designing return to work criteria to meet the specific individual needs of the employer and their employees.

At Cavey and Barrett, Nancy Cavey, an experienced Workers’ Compensation, Social Security and Long Term Disability attorney has worked for many years with both employers and employees in the managing of disability claims.

She brings her expertise into the handling of claimant and defense insurance matters in representing individuals who have short term and long-term disability claims.

She will assist short and long term disability applicants in understanding and making choices about your entitlement to benefits and the best path creating a favorable outcome for you and your employer.

For a free, no obligation, consultation, at a $450 value, contact the Law Offices of Cavey and Barrett at 727-477-3263.

Join countless other short and long-term disability recipients in obtaining your benefits!


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