Dr. Mahwar and Your Long Term Disability Claim

Dr. Mahwar and Your Long Term Disability Claim


Have you ever heard of Dr. Suresh Mahwar, an internist in Freemont, California? If you are a Long Term Disability claimant, beware because he moonlights by reviewing disability claims for a company called “University Disability Consortium” who is hired by Long Term Disability carriers to provide peer reviewed medical reports. Long Term Disability carriers do this because they need a “legitimate” reason to deny your claim.

They routinely will pick organizations such as University Disability Consortium to hire doctors like Dr. Mahwar who rarely disagrees with the Long Term Disability carrier’s decision to deny benefits. In an article by Evan George, a Daily Journal staff writer, noted that the in the 202 cases Dr. Mahwar was assigned to review, “for the Hartford financial service group between 2005 and 2007, the court records show that they only found nine people that were so sick or injured they could not return to work. When a physician of one those other 193 people insisted his patient was permanently disabled, Dr. Mahwar replied that he believes anybody can work a desk job regardless of reported pain or physical limitations.”

The judges found Dr. Mahwar’s opinion regarding that an employee who had a severe spinal injury could “return to work, should be viewed with immense skepticism.” Dr. Mahwar, University of Disability Consortium and the Hartford financial services group have a plan and that plan is deny you your rightful Long Term Disability benefits. If you’ve been a victim of a Long Term Disability denial, contact Long Term Disability experts at The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey who have written the free, no obligation book “Robbed of Your Peace of Mind.”

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