Did the Carrier Use The Wrong Expert? Long Term Disability Claim Denied Lawyer in Tampa Bay Florida

Did the Carrier Use The Wrong Expert? Long Term Disability Claim Denied Lawyer in Tampa Bay Florida

Long Term Disability

Long Term Disability carriers will routinely have a Long Term Disability claim reviewed by a panel of hired gun medical reviewers. We see these same reviewers time and time again. One of the most common mistakes Long Term disability carriers make is to use the wrong medical expert for the medical condition that is being claimed. Now that sounds dumb doesn’t it?

The Florida federal regulations, which governs ERISA claim’s handling requires that the Long Term Disability carrier consult with a health care professional that has “appropriate training and experience in the field of medicine involved in the medical judgment,” 29 c.f.r. section 2560.503-1 (h)(iii).

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for Long Term Disability carrier’s who are evaluating Fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue cases to use physicians who have no expertise in those areas.

We, Florida Long Term Disability Denied lawyers, check the medical and professional background of any health care professional used by the Long Term Disability carrier in a claim’s denial to ensure that the carrier, in fact, used the right expert for your medical condition. If you believe that the Long Term Disability carrier has denied your claim by using the wrong expert for your medical condition immediately contact Tampa Bay Long Term Disability Attorney Nancy Cavey.

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