Why It’s Crucial That Every Long Term Disability Applicant Pick The Right Date To Be Disabled

Why It’s Crucial That Every Long Term Disability Applicant Pick The Right Date To Be Disabled

Long Term Disability

One of the many challenges in applying for long term disability benefits is to determine the date that you become disabled and the date you should stop working. Before you stop working you should get out your disability policy and consider the following.

What is the effective date of your long term disability coverage?

If you become disabled before the effective date of your coverage, your long term disability carrier will deny our claim right off the bat on the basis that you’re not qualified for coverage.

The Pre-existing Disability Clause

Many disability insurance policies will have a pre-existing disability clause that prohibits the receipt of disability benefits if you have received treatment for your disabling condition in a certain period prior to becoming disabled.

Commonly, disability policies will have a pre-existing clause that states that if you receive treatment or should have received treatment for a disabling condition within the six months before the effective date of your coverage, that medical condition will be excluded from consideration under the pre-existing disability clause.

Whether You Are Actively At Work

Many disability policies require that you be actively at work at the time you became disabled. For example, if you’re working with problems and are terminated, the disability carrier just might deny your claim on the basis that you weren’t disabled on the day that you last worked. They’ll claim that the first day you were disabled was the day after you were terminated.

What  You Should Do Before You Stop Working

Determining the date of disability is crucial and you should consult with an experienced long term disability attorney before you stop working. A consultation with a disability attorney can help you understand the policy terms, that apply to you, help you pick the right date to stop working and create a game plan to get the long term disability benefits you deserve.

Contact long term disability attorney Nancy Cavey who can help you determine the right date to stop working. Don’t make a crucial mistake that could result in the denial of your long term disability claim.

Call today at 727-477-3263 for your complimentary consultation. You owe it to yourself and your family to get help with your claim regardless of where you live in the United States.

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