Chronic Pain and Payment for Lost Wages

Chronic Pain and Payment for Lost Wages

Social Security Disability (SSD)

If you have paid into the Social Security Disability system and your doctor has told you that you are unable to work as a result of chronic pain, you may be entitled to payment for lost wages in the form of Social Security Disability benefits.

Did you know that chronic pain differs from acute pain? Chronic pain lingers long after an injury has healed. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, headaches, low back pain and joint pain are the most common causes of chronic pain. Pain is real even though it can’t be seen, felt or heard by anyone else other than the patient. Over $635 billion a year in medical treatment and lost productivity is associated with chronic pain.

If you have worked twenty out of the last forty quarters, you may be insured for the purposes of Social Security Disability. You can learn more about your right to payment for lost wages as a result of chronic pain under the Social Security Disability system by ordering your free, no obligation copy of Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits.


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