Cardiac Implant Infection Increase

Cardiac Implant Infection Increase

Long Term Disability

According to the Journal of American Cardiology, the incidence of infections in implantable cardiac devices has tripled since 1993.

If you had an infection after a cardiac implant that results in you being disabled, you may be entitled to long term disability benefits if you purchased a disability policy from a private insurer or have coverage through an employer.

The Journal of the American College of Cardiology report, indicated that the reasons for the increase in infections after a cardiac implant aren’t clear, but “a recipient’s agent current health may be a factor” August 30, 2011 Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Consulting with a long term disability attorney should be your next step if your doctor has told you that you are no longer able to work as a result of an infection following the implant of a cardiac device.

Unfortunately, long term disability carriers don’t make it easy for the disabled to access to the benefits that they have paid for and rely on in their time of need. If you suffer from a heart infection and you have been denied your long term disability benefits. Long Term Disability Attorney Nancy Cavey can help you cut through the red tape and fight for your benefits no matter where you live in the United States.

You can learn more about your rights to long term disability benefits by getting a copy of Robbed of Your Peace of Mind. You can contact Nancy Cavey today at 727-477-3263 to learn more about your rights to long term disability benefits.

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