Cancer Is The Leading Cause Of Long Term Disability Claims

Cancer Is The Leading Cause Of Long Term Disability Claims

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Unum Disability Insurance Company, one of the carriers in the United States, has reported that cancer is the leading cause of its disability claims. In fact, cancer counts for over 16% of long term disability claims.

Unfortunately, Unum like many disability insurance companies often ignore the side effects of cancer treatment when denying benefits.

What You Should Do If Your Cancer Disability Claim Is Denied

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can be devastating and it will take an  emotional toll on you.

Unfortunately, many disability carriers don’t deliver on their promise to provide you with disability benefits when you are at the lowest point.  They even try to take advantage of you when your cancer is in remission by taking the position that you can return to work.

If you have a claim for disability benefits for cancer which has been denied, contact disability attorney Nancy L. Cavey who can assist you with your disability claims regardless of where you live in the United States.

Call today at (727) 477-3263 for a complimentary consultation.

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