Can I get Social Security Disability Benefits for my lifetime or will they be cut off?

Can I get Social Security Disability Benefits for my lifetime or will they be cut off?

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What a great question! Once you are awarded Social Security Disability benefits, there is a review that will be done on a regular basis by the Social Security Disability office to determine whether or not you continue to be disabled. However, once your reach retirement age your Social Security Disability benefits will be transitioned to Social Security Retirement Benefits. Once you

are on Social Security retirement benefits, your benefits can never be taken away from you.

Remember though, if you work while you are getting Social Security Disability benefits, you can lose your rights to those benefits. The Social Security Administration does allow you a trial work period.

You can learn more about your rights to Social Security Disability benefits by ordering your no obligation copy of Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits.

If your Social Security Disability claim has been denied, remember the Social Security Administration doesn’t make it easy for you to get the Social Security Disability benefits that you deserve. Call Nancy Cavey, Tampa Bay attorney at 727-477-3263 to schedule a complimentary appointment.

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