Breakthroughs In The Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease And Your Right To Social Security Disability Benefits.

Breakthroughs In The Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease And Your Right To Social Security Disability Benefits.

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The Social Security Administration (SSA) doesn’t always make it easy for those who are disabled to get the Social Security Disability benefits that they deserve.  That includes those with Parkinson’s Disease.

What Are The Common Reasons Social Security Will Deny A Parkinson’s Claim?

One of the common reasons that a Parkinson’s claims is denied is that an applicant is Parkinson’s disease is “under control”, or isn’t currently disabling, or won’t be disabling for at least 12 months.

Research is being done on common diabetes and anti-malaria drugs that may be potential therapies to slow down the disease progression and improve Parkinsonian’s symptoms.

Tell Me More About Actos, Choorquine, Amodiaquin and Nurr 1?

According to an article in the Parkinson’s Report Fall/Winter of 2015, the diabetes medication Actos is being studied as potential neuro-protective therapy.  In a diabetic, the medication will reduce insulin resistence.  Scientists are studying whether Actos’s ability to act on your bodies mycrocondia, (which produces bodies energy, and the reduction inflammation) can help slow the progression and improve Parkinson’s symptoms.

Two anti-malaria drugs might also be potential treatments for Parkinson’s disease.  The protein Nurr 1, plays a key role in maintaining normal functioning of dopamine neurons and cell survival.  Two anti-malaria drugs, Chloroquine and Amodiaqin might be able to activate the Nurr 1, which will protect the brains of dopamine neurons.

These are already be FDA approved drugs that can be re-purposed to help Parkinson patients.

What Should I Do If The Social Security Administration Has Denied My Claim On The Basis That My Condition Isn’t Disabling?

It’s time to contact Parkinson’s Disease Social Security Attorney, Nancy Cavey who understands how to build a winning social security disability case.

She’ll work closely with you and your physician to document your medical records, help you document your symptoms and how those symptoms impact your functionality, and obtain from your physician a winning residual functional capacity form.

Call 727-477-3263 for a complimentary consultation on your rights for Social Security disability benefits and get your questions answered today.

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