Bi-polar Social Security Disability Benefits

Bi-polar Social Security Disability Benefits

Long Term Disability

Cavey & Barrett’s claimant was employed at Johnson & Johnson Vision Care as a sales representative and became disabled as a result of bipolar disorder for which he was awarded Social Security Disability benefits.

The claim for LTD benefits was initially denied since his bipolar condition did not prevent him from doing any job for which he was qualified by training, education or experience. They failed to include the treatment program.

Nancy Cavey developed medical evidence to establish that our claimant in fact, complied with the recommendations of his treating psychiatrist and submitted his Social Security decision to Johnson & Johnson for their review. Based on the circumstances in this case, Johnson & Johnson’s administrator reversed its denial of the claim and reinstated the Long Term Disability benefits. It was suggested that he enroll in a work hardening program to facilitate his transition from part-time to full-time work but he was not able to complete that and we developed the medical and vocational evidence regarding the futility of continued attempt to do a gradual transition because of his inability to work in a low stress environment.

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