Asking for An On the Record Decision | Bellaire Beach Social Security Disability Lawyer

Asking for An On the Record Decision | Bellaire Beach Social Security Disability Lawyer

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Do you know that we rountinely ask for what is called an “on the record decision”?

Just before the hearing we get your updated medical reports, have residual funtional capacity forms completed by your doctor and write a detailed letter to the Administrative Law Judge about your case.

That letter outlines the 5 step sequential evaluation process and how the evidence in your file establishes that you should be awarded your Social Security Disability Benefits without having a hearing. This works in some cases and benefits are granted without the need for you to go to trial.

We have just gotten a notice from the Social Security Adminsitration indicating they are creating something called an “Adult Fully Favorable Draft Decision” form which is 2 pages long. We are to enclose the decision form with our cover letter starting in July 2008. Hopefully, this might speed up the process at the hearings level.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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