Americans with Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes and Chronic Lung Disease are Vulnerable to Medicaid Cuts

Americans with Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes and Chronic Lung Disease are Vulnerable to Medicaid Cuts

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State specific reports released on September 14, 2011 indicate that millions of Americans in California, Illinois, New York and Texas could lose their doctor’s, medication and treatment because of Medicaid cuts. This report was released jointly by the American Cancer Society, Cancer Action Network, American Diabetes Association, American Wellness Association and Families USA.

There are 18 additional state specific reports including a report about Florida. You can check these out at to learn how Medicaid cuts may impact Florida Social Security Disability recipients.

Cutting off Medicaid recipients from treatment, prescriptions and physicians is “counter to everything that we hope to accomplish” said the chair of the Humane Society, Ron Polluck, Executive Director of Families USA and we at Cavey and Barrett encourage you to contact your congressman to protest these potential Medicaid changes.

If you require assistance in your Social Security Disability claim or want to learn more about your rights to Social Security Disability benefits contact Social Security Disability attorney Sharon Barrett at 727.477.3263.

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