A Blue Print for Overturning a Long Term Disability Denial of Benefits After Six Back Surgeries

A Blue Print for Overturning a Long Term Disability Denial of Benefits After Six Back Surgeries


Can you believe that a long term disability carrier could terminate long term disability benefits of a policy holder who had sciatica and six back surgeries? Having had lower back surgery, I know the severe pain that you can have with sciatica and herniated disc.
UNUM, as usual, had the claim reviewed by their physician and an “independent medical evaluator”.
In Schuermann v. Unum Life insurance Company of America, 2010 US App Lexus 13716 (5th Circuit July 6th, 2010), the appellate court reserved Unum’s denial on the basis that the:

  1. Insurers’ company physician, on two occasions in his report, misinterpreted the employers MRI; and
  2. The insurance companies neurosurgeon was under the wrong impression that the employee had only three back surgeries.

Unum and other long term disability carriers have to have concrete evidence supporting their denial. Hiring hacks to review their claims is just one of the many ways the long term disability carriers attempt to wrongfully deny long term disability benefits.
If you are a Unum policy holder who has had multiple back surgeries and your claim for benefits has been denied. Contact Unum herniated disc claim denied attorney Nancy Cavey who practices nationwide

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