The 3 Myths and 3 Facts About Social Security Disability Insurance That You Need To Know

The 3 Myths and 3 Facts About Social Security Disability Insurance That You Need To Know

Social Security Disability (SSD)

As a Social Security Disability attorney, I hear many myths about the Social Security Disability claims process. Unfortunately, many people believe these myths and do nothing. Here are some myths that need to be blown out of the water:

Myth #1: Everyone’s Social Security Disability application is denied.

Fact: About 2/3 of the initial and request for reconsideration are denied, but at the end of the day, over 50% of those who apply for Social Security Disability benefits and keep at it get their disability benefits.

Myth #2: You don’t need a lawyer to get your Social Security Disability benefits.

Fact: Well, it’s a bit like winning the jackpot! A lot of things have to go right for you to win your case without a lawyer. There’s no doubt that chances of winning increase with legal representation. As a Social Security Disability attorney, I know not only the 5 Step Sequential Evaluation that the Social Security Administration uses in every case, but I also know how to present a case to a Judge. Not every Judge reviews cases the same. It’s crucial that you have an attorney who is familiar with Social Security law and the local Judges.

Myth #3: Hiring a Social Security Disability lawyer is expensive.

Fact: Social Security Disability lawyers are only allowed to receive money from your back benefits. That’s the money that you’re owed while you’re waiting for your decision. The attorney can only collect 25% of your back benefits up to $6,000, it’s a one time payment and, better yet, if the lawyer doesn’t win, you owe them nothing.

What You Should Do If You Are Disabled and Can’t Work

Don’t let the myths about Social Security Disability benefits prevent you from getting the Social Security Disability and medical benefits you deserve. Call 727-894-3188 for a free evaluation of your case.

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