18,000 New HIV Cases in the United States

18,000 New HIV Cases in the United States

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If you are unable to work as a result of HIV, you may qualify to receive long term disability benefits if you have purchased a disability plan from a private insurer who had coverage through an employer.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported in a three year campaign intended to expand HIV testing and get people in to treatment, revealed more than 18,000 adults who were new to learn that they were infected.

According to Kevin Fenton, Director of CDC AIDS Prevention Center “an estimated 240,000 Americans- a fifth of the nearly 1.2 million living with HIV- don’t know that they are infected”.

If you are unable to work as a result of HIV, you should consult with a long term disability attorney. Unfortunately, long term disability carriers don’t always make it easy for those with HIV to get the disability benefits that they deserve.

If it is impossible for you to work and you have been denied your disability benefits, Attorney Nancy Cavey, can help you cut through the red tape and fight for your benefits no matter where you live in the United States. To learn more about your rights to long term disability benefits, you can order a copy of Nancy Cavey’s book Robbed of Your Peace of Mind. Call her at 727-477-3263

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