Thousands Now Get Social Security Disability Benefits for their Coronary Artery Disease

Thousands Now Get Social Security Disability Benefits for their Coronary Artery Disease

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Are you or a loved one unable to work because of coronary artery disease? You may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits because of coronary artery disease or complications from coronary artery disease.

The coronary arteries supply your heart with oxygen, blood and nutrients. Those arteries can be blocked through disease or damage cause by coronary artery disease.

Coronary artery disease is caused by fatty deposits building up inside your coronary arteries. Think of your coronary arteries like your kitchen pipes, if they get clogged up, things really back up!

As coronary artery disease progresses, you may experience:

1.      Shortness of breath.

2.      Chest pain.

3.      Fatigue.

4.      Tightness or pressure.

5.      Heart attack.

The effects coronary artery disease can limit your ability to work.

You, like others, may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits for coronary artery disease or complications.

If you filed a claim for coronary artery disease and have been denied Social Security benefits, you should consider appealing that decision immediately with the assistance of a Social Security Disability lawyer.

Don’t delay! You are entitled to valuable compensation and medical benefits if you are entitled to Social Security Disability benefits.

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