Top Construction Accident and Injury Lawyer in Phoenix Gets 1.9 Million for Plumber

Top Construction Accident and Injury Lawyer in Phoenix Gets 1.9 Million for Plumber


A top construction accident and injury attorney in Phoenix Arizona, a good friend of ours The Breyer Law Office achieved a 1.9 million dollar construction accident verdict.

The Plaintiff was on-the-job plumber and his General contractor sent him to a home under construction. The Framers, sub-contractors, were moving the stairs and did not put up any caution tape to advise anyone from going up and down them. The Plaintiff then went up the stairs to do his job and the stairs collapsed when he was near the top.  The plumber then fell and suffered serious and permanent injuries as a result of the accident. The Defendants blamed the plumber for going up the stairs while they were being worked on, and that resulted in the accident. The Jury found large percentages of responsibility for both sub-contractor and general contractor, but found plaintiff only 3% at fault.

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