Are You Afraid You Can’t Afford a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

Are You Afraid You Can’t Afford a Social Security Disability Lawyer?


Don’t be afraid! Social Security Disability lawyers fee is subject to Social Security rules and regulations. In fact, the rules say that an attorney can’t take a fee upfront and, for the most part, Social Security Disability lawyers aren’t allowed to bill by the hour or collect a payment for representing a client!

So does a Social Security Disability attorney get paid? The Social Security Disability attorney’s fee rules say that an attorney can get 25% of the back payment that you may be entitled to.

Remember, while the Social Security Administration sets the maximum fee amount, it does allow an attorney to charge for expenses such as copying, medical records and even travelling.

Also remember that the Social Security Administration has the final say about whether the fee agreement is appropriate.

The Social Security Administration protects you by making sure the fee is reasonable and appropriate.

Contact Cavey and Barrett, a South Tampa, Social Security Disability law firm. You can request a copy of our attorney fee contract before you consult with us. There are no hidden fees or costs in our contract.

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