What Are Social Security Retirement Benefits?

What Are Social Security Retirement Benefits?

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Social Security retirement benefits, which are based on your age, are available to those who are at least 62 years old. You will have had to had worked 40 of the last 20 quarters or have earned at least 40 work credits.

You can receive partial benefits beginning at age 62 and earn full benefits at age 65 or 67, depending on your date of birth.

Your retirement benefits are funded by contributions that you make through payroll deductions.

Can I Collect Both Disability and Retirement Benefits?

Yes! Both disability and retirement benefits can provide you with an income when you are at least 62 years old and unable to work due to a disability. When you apply for the disability benefits, you’ll be seeking the difference between your retirement and disability benefits. For people with no income and over the age of 62, the combination of applying for disability retirement benefits can provide them with income while they wait for a disability determination.

Social Security retirement offers full benefits at age 65 or 67 depending on the age you were born. You have the option to wait until age 70 to draw Social Security retirement, allowing your monthly benefit to grow 8% each year. This provides a higher monthly income than if you took the benefits at age 62.

So, unless you are disabled, we at Cavey Law don’t encourage individuals to take their retirement at age 62 unless they can live on the reduced amount of retirement benefits.

What Should I Do If I Can’t Work and I’m Approaching Age 62?

Consult with an experienced Social Security disability attorney Nancy Cavey so that you understand the impact of retiring before you apply for Social Security disability benefits and what you need to do to maximize your retirement and Social Security disability benefits when you stop working. Call today at 727-477-3263 for a complimentary consultation.

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