How Reduced Concentration Persistence and Pace Can Improve Your Chance Of Getting Social Security Disability Benefits

How Reduced Concentration Persistence and Pace Can Improve Your Chance Of Getting Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability (SSD)

One way to qualify for Social Security disability benefits is to prove that your medical condition prevents you from doing substantial work on a continuous and sustained basis.  If your medical condition has reduced your productivity by at least 15% of the acceptable level, you have a better chance of getting your Social Security disability benefits.

Concentration, Persistence and Pace of Social Security Disability

The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses the terms “concentration, persistence and pace” to describe a Social Security disability applicant’s ability to focus on their work and to maintain the concentration, persistence or pace required of their job.

If your medical condition reduces your ability to concentrate, maintain your job tasks and perform an acceptable pace, you will most likely be approved for your Social Security disability benefits.

Getting Help From An Experienced Social Security Disability Attorney

If your employer is complaining about your lack of concentration, persistence and pace as a result of your medical problems, it’s time to have a free consultation with Nancy L. Cavey.  You will  learn more about your rights to Social Security disability benefits.

Call today at 727-477-3263 and learn more about how you may be entitled to Social Security disability benefits.

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