Making The Decision To Hire An Attorney To Get Your  Long Term Disability Benefits If Your Claim Has Been Denied

Making The Decision To Hire An Attorney To Get Your Long Term Disability Benefits If Your Claim Has Been Denied

Long Term Disability

You bought your long term disability policy to provide you and your family peace of mind if you were unable to work. You’ve even made the difficult decision to apply for disability benefits knowing that your physician and employer have supported your claim. Yet, you’ve gotten a denial from the long term disability carrier.

No matter how angry or upset you are, don’t walk away from your long term disability claim. As a disability attorney, I know that very few people look forward to protracted litigation but there are times in life when the only right course of action is to pursue your claim.

hiring a long term disability attorney

What you should do if your claim has been improperly denied

If your insurance company improperly denied or treated your claim with a total lack of regard, it’s time to get a long term disability attorney involved.

When you’re forced in that position, you want to make sure that you’ve hired the right long term disability attorney for you.

You can order your free, no obligation copy of my book, “Hiring the Right Long Term Disability Attorney for You” by contacting my office at 727-477-3263 for a free, no obligation consultation.

Only an experienced disability attorney can understand the terms and conditions of your policy, the reasons for

your initial denial and outline and implement a strategy for getting the long term disability benefits you deserve. After all, you purchased your disability policy to provide you and your family peace of mind. Don’t let the long term disability carrier rob you blind! Call us today to discuss your options – 727-477-3263.

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