Tricks Long Term Disability Carriers Will Use to Deny Your Claim for Disability Benefits

Tricks Long Term Disability Carriers Will Use to Deny Your Claim for Disability Benefits

Long Term Disability

Many long term disability carriers will use a paper review of your file conducted by its internal medical personnel to determine whether or not there is:

1. An objective basis of your severe diagnosis.long term disability carrier tricks

2. An objective basis for the restriction of limitations that have been assigned.

3. A causal relationship between your diagnosis and or restrictions limitations in your inability to perform your own occupation.

It is not unusual for long term disability carrier’s medical personnel to determine your records do not indicate an inability to return to work.

Next weapon that long term disability carriers will use is a functional capacity evaluation to determine your restrictions and limitations. A long term disability carrier will select a bias FCE provider who will give the long term disability carrier exactly what they want- a reason to deny your claim either on the basis you didn’t fully cooperate with the FCE or that the restrictions and limitations indicate that you can engage in at least sedentary work.

It’s not uncommon for long term disability carriers to cherry pick the portions of the functional capacity evaluation to support their position to terminate benefits.

The third trick that long term disability carriers will use is to place you under video surveillance to justify a termination of the benefits. They’ll use it as a one two combination with your statement to show that you are exaggerating your complaints or functionality as compared to what is shown on the video tape.

Long term disability attorney Nancy Cavey will systematically attack long term disability carriers positions using their own evidence against them. She’ll also supplement your file with additional medical evidence to support your claim for disability benefits It is not unusual for long term disability appeal letter alone to be 65 pages long and, with additional medical and vocational support, to be hundreds of pages long.

If you suspect that your long term disability claim is being setup for a denial keep in mind those three tricks that long term disability carriers will use to justify their claims denial.

Long term disability carriers will go to any lengths to deny your benefits. Long term disability attorney Nancy Cavey handles long term disability claims throughout the United States and has represented claimants against every major long term disability carrier.

For a free consultation regarding your long term disability claim you can call 727-477-3263.

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