Changing the Date You Are Claiming Entitled to Social Security Disability Benefits

Changing the Date You Are Claiming Entitled to Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Unfortunately, many unrepresented Social Security Disability claimants’ often pick a “date of onset” for their Social Security Disability claim that leads to denial after denial by the Social Security Administration. Date of ClaimsUnfortunately, many disabled workers may have stopped working on a certain day because of an on the job injury or an occupational disease and, that does not mean that the Social Security Administration will find that you that you will receive disability benefits from that date.

Sometimes, there are medical conditions that disable you from working that will become totally disabling months or even years after you stop working. As a result, after a thorough review of the medical evidence, it may be necessary to “amend” the on set date. That means that if you wrote a date of disability to sometime after the claimed on set when the medical evidence supports the disability, then you are more likely to have a “Fully Favorable” decision. You may not get some months or years of benefits, but ultimately, you will get a winning decision.

If you get a “Unfavorable” Social Security Disability decision, you should contact an experienced Social Security Disability attorney to review your medical evidence to determine whether or not one of the reasons that you may have lost your claim is that you picked the wrong date to be disabled.

You can learn more about the Social Security Disability claims process by contacting Palm Harbor Social Security Disability attorney Nancy Cavey. Amending the on set date might be the right answer to help you get your Social Security Disability benefits.

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