Discitis and Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits

Discitis and Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits

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You may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits if your doctors told you that you have something called discitis. Discitis is a low grade infection in the disc space between your vertebrae. Think of your spinal

column as a stack of Oreo cookies, the cookie is the retrieval body and the cream is the disc.

Unfortunately, you can develop a low grade infection of the disc which causes severe back pain and is often aggravated by any movement of the spine. This pain will travel to your abdomen, hip, leg and groin and it is incredibly painful.

If your doctor has diagnosed you with discitis, Sharon Barrett, Palm Harbor Social Security Disability attorney, suggests that you apply for Social Security Disability benefits if your claim is denied, be sure to appeal and contact an experienced Social Security Disability attorney for help in getting the Social Security Disability benefits your deserve as a result of discitis.

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