If You Do Not Understand What is Going to Happen During Your Social Security Disability Medical Exam, You’ll Hate Yourself Later When Your Social Security Disability Claim is Denied

If You Do Not Understand What is Going to Happen During Your Social Security Disability Medical Exam, You’ll Hate Yourself Later When Your Social Security Disability Claim is Denied


The Social Security Administration may ask you to go for what is called a “consultative exam” to determine whether or not your medical condition effects your ability to work.

If you don’t understand what is going to happen during the Social Security Disability medical exam, you may make crucial mistakes.

Here are five tips on what you should expect at your Social Security Disability medical exam:

1. The physician who performs the Social Security Disability medical exam is paid by the Social Security Administration. That physician is supposed to be an independent physician, but unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see the same physician being referred to cases over and over. One has to wonder how “independent” they are.

2. Regardless, you must be respectful of the Social Security Disability examiner as they can destroy your claim if you are rude or abusive.

3. The purpose of the medical exam is to help gather evidence for your Social Security Disability claim because the claims examiner doesn’t think that there is enough medical evidence to determine whether you are entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. As a result, what happens at the examine will depend on the nature of the medical problem. You may have a physical examination, x-rays, or even blood work drawn.

4. The Social Security medical examiner is not going to be providing you with treatment but rather, is going to be performing an exam and doing any diagnostic studies that will help that position evaluate your physical restriction and limitations.

5. The Social Security Disability exam is going to be a rocket examination lasting maybe only fifteen to twenty minutes.

Social Security medical examiner is not going to determine whether or not you are entitled to benefits. Their job is to determine performance in physical examination, document the objective findings on examinations and render an opinion about your physical abilities.

Regardless, you must be respectful of the Social Security Disability examiner as they can destroy your claim if you are rude or abusive.

You should be very careful during the physical examination as if you tell the doctor you have difficulty bending and then pick your socks off the floor to put them on, you’ve just demonstrated that you have the ability to bend.

If you have been scheduled for a Social Security Disability consultative exam, you should consult with a Social Security Disability attorney such as Pinellas Park Social Security Disability attorney Sharon Barrett who can prepare you for this crucial examination.

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