Understanding Your Doctors Response to Your Ability to Work in Your Social Security Disability Claim

Understanding Your Doctors Response to Your Ability to Work in Your Social Security Disability Claim

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Your treating doctor is never going to be asked whether or not you are able to work or not. The Social Security Administration doesn’t consider your doctor’s opinion one way or the other. What the Social SecurityDoctors Response in Your Social Security Disability Claim Administration wants to know is your functional limitations. In other words, how much can you lift, how long can you stand, walk, or sit, unless or alternate positions with standing, sitting, walking?

The key to winning a Social Security Disability case is establishing that your functional limitations are less than sedentary. Therefore, want counts in your medical records is your doctors opinions about your ability to lift, stand, stoop, bend, walk.

We suggest, at Cavey and Barrett, your Tampa Bay Social Security Disability attorneys, that you provide your doctor with information about your physical capabilities. What you are capable of doing and what you are not capable of doing. That will assist the doctor in rendering a meaningful opinion that will assist you in winning your Social Security Disability benefits.

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